Netherland-based telegram group links list to join to get informed about latest updates, meet new friends. All the groups listed here are active and have more than 400 participants. Here is the best active Netherlands telegram group list.
Netherlands Export Import | join Netherlands Export Import |
AEGEE-Europe | join AEGEE-Europe |
World Wide Demonstration Netherlands | join World Wide Demonstration Netherlands |
Pundi X Netherlands Community | join Pundi X Netherlands Community |
Verge Privacy Coin – NL/BE | join Verge Privacy Coin – NL/BE |
Bitcoin Magazine Start | join Bitcoin Magazine Start |
Telegram kanalen nl | join Telegram kanalen nl |
RGNN Ticker | Join RGNN Ticker |
NL store | Join NL store |
Crypto Brothers | Join Crypto Brothers |
Crypto currency related netherlands(dutch) telegram channels.
KuCoin Dutch Community
Has more than 3800 members in this so-called official kuCoin telegram group. It’s an independent group for the coin KuCoin. So, it may self-promoting the coin making others buy it. Join KuCoin dutch community.
Cardano Dutch and Flemish Official
Here is the telegram group for the Cardano coin. It has nearly 2000 members and shares next moves, road map, news about the Cardano coin. Join cardano dutch group.
More dutch/flemish crypto groups:
- Crypto.com Dutch/Flemish
- OceanEx Dutch – Official
- Cypherium Dutch
- FTX Dutch Official
- Dutch StraX Platform
- LTO Network
- Bybit Dutch
- Нидерландский / Nederlands / Dutch
- Voyager | Dutch | Official
- Dutch Crypto Talk
Bitcoin Netherlands
Telegram group about bitcoins and related to the Netherland community. They also have separate telegram groups for other regions including Canada, Italy, India .etc. This group is for Netherland people. Has more than 37,000 members and it’s an active group with awesome people. Can ask anything in the group, so the other members will reply to you. Currently has a hipe in altcoins, shares altcoin news, and progresses. Join Bitcoin netherlands.
Binance Dutch/Flemish
A netherlands-based community for Binance trading and p2p exchanges. Promotes transactions through the Binance platform. Also, making suggestions for alternative coins. Shares news about bitcoin and popular bitcoin alternative coins. Has more than 3000 members in the group. Join binance dutch.
None Crypto-Related Groups
These are some of the top Netherlands telegram groups that we could find for crypto-related. Below is the list of none crypto telegram groups. There aren’t many of them that we could find. But, we will add many invitation links near future. Cause many none crypto telegram groups and channels have recently converted to crypto.
NL News
It’s all about Netherlands news. Posts news articles so often that at least 5-6 articles per day. Mostly are as an image and a small paragraph from their website. Also, some foreign news is also posting by crediting its original publisher. Join NL news.
NL store
An online-based store promoting telegram group. Has more than 15,000 members and most are from the Netherlands. Can share own store to the 15 thousand audiences. Join NL Store.
The Dutch Oven
A telegram channel that updates the latest Netherlands political news, general news, and events. Has more than 7500 subscribers and posts so often. Post articles, news at least 5-6 per day. Join the dutch oven channel.
About Dutch Groups:
This is our complete list of telegram channels and groups related to the Netherlands. Here you can find telegram channels that are related to many categories. Many channels, groups are about cryptocurrency. As it became a major investment method for many people. That’s why we have listed many crypto-related telegram channels and groups here. Also, there are many channels/groups that mean hype in the crypto trend after all times high of the bitcoin price and many companies accepting bitcoin as a payment method. We are not affiliated with any of these channels and groups or recommending them for financial advice. If you are a participant of a Netherlands telegram channel. make sure to comment down the link of the channel, group. We also have more countries-related telegram channels, groups list to provide you the best-related channels and groups. Also, we listed channels that none related to cryptocurrencies at the beginning of the article. To provide a wide variety of telegram groups as possible.