A list of channels that provides black adam movie download in hindi telegram link. fall is a 21 Oct 2022 released movie with a runtime of 124 min. fall is a movie that has a rating of 504 out of 10 stars from the IMDB movie review website.
You can find download links for doctor d movies from these listed telegram channels. Each channel has its dedicated supported language. Read the description before joining the channel. go to the channel’s files section to see whether those are directly uploaded or not. Read our article on the complete list of movie telegram channels to find movies sharing telegram communities.
These channels have fall movie 1080p, 720p, and 480p telegram download links and options. With doctor d English subtitles, doctor d Hindi subtitles, and doctor d Malayalam subtitles. Movies are primarily available in FLV, MKV, and mp4 formats. Both doctor d cam copies and doctor d originals copies are available
Black adam Hindi download telegram link
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Movie Details
Date released | 21 Oct 2022 |
Director | Jaume Collet-Serra |
Writer | Adam Sztykiel, Rory Haines, Sohrab Noshirvani |
Actors | Dwayne Johnson, Sarah Shahi, Viola Davis |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
IMDB Rating | N/A |
IMDB Votes | 504 |
IMDB reviews | Read reviews |
Movie storyline
Nearly 5,000 years after he was bestowed with the almighty powers of the Egyptian gods and imprisoned just as quickly-Black Adam is freed from his earthly tomb, ready to unleash his unique form of justice on the modern world.
Movie review
I enjoyed it even though it wasn’t really amazing, didn’t revolutionize the wheel, and had average writing. Prior to its release, my emotions were constantly shifting. On the days I was most anticipating it, Black Adam fell short of my expectations, but on the days I was most concerned that it would fail, it far exceeded them. The movie’s opening moments are fantastic; they kind of make me think of mythological films with Dwayne Johnson in them, like Clash of the Titans or Hercules. There aren’t many films like that being produced; we moved from gladiator movies to Greek god movies, had Egyptian mummies in between, and are currently in the superhero era.
How to download the movie
Just go to the listed telegram channels for Black Adam Movie Download in Hindi telegram. Each link will redirect you to a telegram channel that has listed fall movie download links. Then You can browse from the info panel to see whether the movie is directly uploaded or not. If those are not directly uploaded, then you have to go to their website to watch the movie.
Telegram tips before watching movies
- Turn off automatic download content. That feature makes everything download when you join a channel or group. The downside of that movie is that it slows downs the app’s performance and consumes lots of storage.
- Leave channels after just watching the movie, you can create a single channel by yourself and forward the movie to that channel to keep it safe.