This article is all about mallu telegram channel links. We have an article on Malayalam telegram channel links also. Daily thousands of people join telegram. In order to get the real benefits from telegram, there must be telegram channels. But, unlike WhatsApp, most of the telegram users not invite or add you unless asking. It’s better when there are many interesting groups. Let’s see the list of mallu telegram channels links.
Mallu beats | join mallu beats |
Mallu hacker | join Mallu hacker |
Mallu analyst | join mallu analyst |
Mallu models hub | join mallu models hub |
tg entertainment | join tg entertainment |
mallu vibes | join mallu vibes |
USPC trolls | join USPC Trolls |
Mallu series actors | mallu series actors |
Kings | join mallu kingz |
dope memes | join dope memes |
pixedea | join pixedea |
Mallu status | join mallu status |
Malayalam movie updates | Mallu movies |
Other than the above table of telegram group links, below we added a section of telegram channels and their description. Thus, you can join after reading the description. Although we have added a similar article called Malayalam telegram channels, In this article you will find uncommon telegram channels. These are not added in the Malayalam article. Both articles will be updated and will be able to find more and more amazing telegram channels from Telegrampapa.
Mallu status
You can find WhatsApp status videos from this telegram channel. They post beautiful lovely videos every day. Music clips, movie clips, motivational clips, and many more kinds of clips posts here. You’ll be able to download those small video clips from telegram directly. There is no need to install any third-party app or use another website to download content. All of the videos are shorter than 15 seconds. Has more than 2.5k subscribers. Join Mallu status
Mallu Trending Club
As the name suggests, this channel posts trending videos. Specially Malayalam motivational quotes. This channel has mentioned, that it is the official telegram channel of the Instagram page. In this telegram channel, you’ll find many kinds of inspirational videos. Join Group
Gifs club
This channel posts original gifs. They post so often growing their channel. Almost every gif is related to the region. Awsome funny gifs are posts there as usual. It’s a good channel to see funny gifs surrounding by. Watch this channel if you feel bored. Join Gifs Club here.
Actors pics
This channel has more than 10k participants. They usually post Malayalam actors. If you are a movie series or Malayalam movie lover, you should join this. You’ll find the latest news(movie promotional posters) of your favorite actor or their best sceneries that people love. Can download videos and upload to Whatsapp or telegram status . They post Malayalam stuff only. No Hollywood or Bollywood movie lovers there. Join Actors pics.
Malayalam movies
This channel is also about movies. But specialized to only promotional poster videos. No actors-related posts are usually posting here. The best scenes of Malayalam movies are posting here. Join Malayalam movies
This channel also has more than 35k participants. This channel all about status videos. Also, they post news-related things and have an active crowd. Channel can’t be seen without telegram app. So, make sure to install the telegram app. It’s nothing to do with the link provided. Join mallu vibes.
Pubg mobile association
No need to tell what this channel is about. Has more than 1.2k members and posts custom room invitation posts, Event promotional posts, and many. Doing consists and giving away for winners. Join Pubg mobile association.
Stock traders
We do not promoting or neither recommending this telegram channel. Only for educational purposes.
This channel has more than 3k subscribers there and all about stock trading. Also, it’s a mallu channel so the content will be posted in Malayalam. Your own language. Join stock traders.
World movie suggestions
Suggest movies when described by words. Posts new movie releases and their trailers in the group. Posters and other promotional stuff are posting here. Can get movie suggestions that are in the same genre as you are interested in. Has more than 5.5k subscribers and an active community that messages are seen by thousands. .Join movie suggestion group.
Movies all
Another movie-related telegram channel that promotes everything. Posters, news, best sceneries. Plots and descriptions. Where to watch and everything like that. Has more than 10k subscribers. Join Movies all telegram channel.
These are the telegram channels for mallu right now. Also, we added a complete list for Malayalam telegram channels, click here to view the list. That list doesn’t contain links in this channels list table. We will occasionally add new telegram channels/group links. So, make sure to bookmark us or add our page to the home screen. Because it’s essential to get support from a website like this to find related telegram channels.