Nigerian telegram group link list to join the connect with the amazing Nigerian community. Explore the best 20 Nigerian telegram groups/ channels invitation links. There are many crypto-related, news-related, music, movie-related telegram groups/ channels in Nigeria. Let’s explore the quick invitation links list.
BTSE Nigeria | join BTSE Nigeria |
Appics | Nigeria | join Appics | Nigeria |
Crypto.com Nigeria | join Crypto.com Nigeria |
Nigeria News World | join Nigeria News World |
A+ News Channel | join A+ News Channel |
Social Exchange Market | join Social Exchange Market |
Nigeria Centre for Disease | Join Nigeria Centre for Disease |
FREEcoin Nigeria | join FREEcoin Nigeria |
Safe Protocol Nigeria | join Safe Protocol Nigeria |
Pi Network Nigeria | join Pi Network Nigeria |
Avalanche (AVAX) – Nigeria | join Avalanche (AVAX) – Nigeria |
Blockchain Nigeria User Group | join Blockchain Nigeria User Group |
Divi Nigeria | join Divi Nigeria |
Okay.ng | join Okay.ng |
Here are the channels/groups that we could find that related to the Nigerian audience. Also, we have added a small section that contains the best active telegram channels with a small description. so that you can see the subscribers, members count before joining the groups to filter out the most active groups. Making it easy to use our website to find links. Let’s check it out.
Paxful Nigerian Community
The Paxful Nigerian community has more than 10,000 members in the group. Can get new coin suggestions from group members and their analysis on the coin to gather more news related to each coin. With the supportive news and resources, you can further learn about the coin for investment. Although you have to use the Paxful website for any exchanges. Never transfer money to the persons in the group to buy coins. Join the Paxful Nigerian community.
Binance Nigeria
Binance official telegram Group for Nigerian users. Has more than 60k members in the group. Exchange coins or can do p2p exchanges from local sellers through the Binance platform for easy and secure transactions. Get information about certain coins and their backed persons like so much information. Also, get details about the latest airdrops and coin giveaways to participate and win coins that may benefit in the future. Join Binance Nigeria.
That’s all for the crypto-related channels/groups that we are willing to add here. There are several more crypto-related telegram groups/channels in the above table also. From here, we are going to add some general channels/groups. Ex jobs, music, movies, etc. So, let’s take a look at them.
Nigeria Group for Universal Basic Income
Income-generating guiding Nigerian telegram group with more than 500 members. Shares amazing ways to make money as a Nigerian. Use affiliated programs in local businesses. Also, you can do some buy and sells through the group. Some people do affiliate marketing and referral programs from this group. Join Nigeria Group for Universal basic Income.
Vacancies In Nigeria
As the name suggests, this channel provides the latest job vacancies in Nigeria. Posts jobs for various kinds of requirements and educational levels. Many intern vacancies are posting including scholarships with on-the-job training. Has more than 2k subscribers in this channel. You can promote your business job openings through the channel too. Join Vacancies Nigeria.
Worka Nigeria
Another job vacancy posting telegram channels with more than 13k subscribers. This channel posts a direct vacancies name and its responsibility and requirement to the channel and how to apply for it like details. Has jobs from hotel Stuart to expert level of posting. As we see, any kind of intern can find a related job from this channel. Join work Nigeria.
Music Stream
Nigeria’s original music streaming channel with many artists. Has more than 18k music stream lovers. If you are an artist, you should join them to promote your music. Also, you can listen to the latest covers and music from local artists in different rhythms than the original music. Join the channel to listen to Nigerian independent artists’ streams.
Legit.ng News
Shares general news of nigerian and popular outside news to the channel. It has more than 4000 subscribers and they posts news so often. It updates daily with fresh news all over the nigeria. Join Legit.ng News.
Telegram is popular among Nigerians. Telegram has a market share of 51%. Here are the best and active Nigerian telegram channels/groups that we could find. We are not affiliated with any of these groups or channels. Just sharing active, often posting, subscribers/members rich channels/groups with you. All of these groups have a crowd of more than 400 participants. If we missed any other quality, active telegram group comment down the invitation link. View the Ethiopian telegram groups list to get more news channels/groups.
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