Tanzania telegram groups Link list in several categories is below. With the trending of the telegram app over WhatsApp, many people search for telegram channels. It’s essential to join channels, groups to explore the whole awesomeness of the platform. To explore the amazing features of telegram. The table below contains the channel name and their invitation links respectively. Can get a clear idea about the group from the name. Also, before joining the group/channel.
Simba SC Tanzania | join Simba SC Tanzania |
Forex trading Tanzania | join Forex trading Tanzania |
Tanzania Tips | join Tanzania Tips |
betPawa Tanzania | join betPawa Tanzania |
Parimatch Tanzania | join Parimatch Tanzania |
Mdundo Music | join Mdundo Music |
Sauti Ya TAMSYA | join Sauti Ya TAMSYA |
Tanzania Revolution
A telegram group where discuss social and political issues. You can join the discussion if you are serious about history and politics. Raising voice for common social issues and political issues organizing events. Signs petitions and share them on other social networks to show resistance. Also, discusses historical data by sharing articles and videos. Has nearly 1000 members. join group.
Tanzania Updates
Channel is all bout Tanzanian news updates. A brand new telegram channel with fewer participant count. But, it’s an active channel that posts about all the latest alerts, breaking news, and economic news. Sharing about 7-9 news posts per day. You can subscribe to receive the latest news updates directly into your telegram inbox. Check it out and join the telegram group if you find it useful. join Tanzania updates.
If you are a student in Tanzania or a parent, this telegram channel is just for you. You can get details about the latest scholarship programs in the Tanzanian region and scholarship programs with on job training that are available for Tanzanian students. From certificate courses to degree level courses scholarship updates post on the channel. Also, you can promote your college scholarship programs through this channel. Has nearly 250 subscribers, still larger than a Whatsapp group. join Ajira Elimu info group.
Btmm Tanzania
This channel is all about trading, forex trading, and signals. Teaching the subscribers about trading, market pattern, Trends and shows real-time videos of such occasions to get a clear idea about trading and their strategies. They have a paid course with premium content, but before joining any premium course, it’s better to check their strategies and investment accounts. They also have a free and premium signal service. You can get more information by go through the previous messages. join Btmm Tanzania.
Tanzania Tech
For Tanzanian technology blog. It posts new links to its blog posts. Blog posts containing the latest news of technology-related stuff. Already has nearly 1k subscribers and has an active crowd. They mostly share blog posts. No video or photos are sharing. But, blog posts featured images are showing in the telegram app. join Tanzania tech.
It’s all about opportunities. Shares job opportunities for any educational level. operation manager, products manager, software developer, web developer, customer care, assistance, and many kinds of jobs are posting there. They have more than 12k subscribers. You can get as many job vacancies around you by joining the channel. All the details required for a better applying process are giving with each job title. Such as requirements, responsibilities, working experience needed like stuff saving you time. Also, a better opportunity to research about the job market for such courses by this channel. Because it posts many job openings. Join Opportunities.
Shares forex trading-related ebooks and signals for free. They share current market trends and trade helping data. Video tutorials and many other educational materials are selling and sharing for free. You can join live sessions and clubhouse events through the channel to get more knowledge and strategies. Join Bright Forex Tanzania.
Simba SC Tanzania
Tanzanian telegram channel is all about sports. Especially soccer. You join live broadcastings and get informed about upcoming matches through this channel. Also, regularly posts about best moments, funny incidents of the game, and players. Posts about 1-2 videos and updates per day. Currently has just 350 subscribers. But it is still higher than a fully completed group of WhatsApp. join channel.
More about Tanzania channels:
These are the only Tanzanian telegram channels that we could find. There are few job openings posting telegram channels, news channels, and trading telegram channels on the list. It’s although these channels have thousands of participants, it’s way lower than other channels. So, to join popular and active channels, make sure to check our listings. There are categorized lists of telegram channels for easy access. If you are a participant or an owner of a telegram channel. Please comment down your channel invitation link. We are happy to add your channel too.
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