A list of Hindi movie subtitles telegram channels and groups. Most of the native Hindi people don’t understand English. To watch English movies, you can watch them with Hindi subtitles. But, most of the popular platforms don’t provide Hindi subtitles. So, you have to rely on third-party websites or apps. There are several Hindi subtitles providing websites, but it’s not possible to find the subtitles for each and every movie. That’s why you need telegram channels and groups. Below are the best and most active telegram channels and groups for Hindi movie subtitles.

English movies hindi subtitles telegram channels
Movies drive
Provide latest movies’ descriptions such as cast, runtime, release date, trailer videos IMDB URL for the movie to read more reviews and to see more posters. Provides Hindi subtitles or dubbed for trending and new movies. At least 3-4 new movies are sharing on the channel with all of the stuff that we mentioned earlier. Has more than 18,000 subscribers. You can find the link to the subtitles or dubbed from the URLs they are providing. Join the channel.
Hindi New Movies English Channels
New movie releases Hindi subtitles sharing telegram channel. You may get a Hindi dubbed or a subtitles file for new movie releases. They have a paid version of the group that claims to share premium content. You can get cast, trailers, best sceneries like videos and such information through this telegram channel. Has more than 37,000 subscribers. join the channel.
Never Have I Ever
It’s all about the Netflix tv series Never Have I Ever. There you will be able to find Buddeds of the popular tv-series. If you are an English learner, this channel is best suited for you. Because episodes that are sharing in the channel have English subtitles and also the Hindi dubbed also. Has more than 7,000 subscribers. join the channel.
Bollywood Hindi Movies and Web Series
Trending English movies and tv-series sharing telegram channel. Not just English movies, but Bollywood movies are also sharing Most of them are English movies. You will be able to get the individual group chats channel invitation links for each and individual trending movie. Has more than 14,000 subscribers. join the channel.
Another movie-sharing telegram channel, Bollywood, Hollywood, Tollywood no matter what it is, latest movies from any of these are getting featured in the channel. You will get more options through this channel link watching links, subtitles( Hindi ) Links and IMDB movie page Links are also sharing along with each movie review. Has more than 40,000 subscribers. join the channel.
RKI Movies
Mostly English movies and tv-series subtitle files( Hindi ) sharing telegram channel. You will get a link to their website through the channel. Already shared more than 1,600 links that contain such subtitles and trailers like supportive information along with each article. Has just 200 subscribers. join the channel to receive latest english subs.
Anime Hindi subtitles Telegram channels
Indian Anime Z
Japanese and Chinese anime movies’ Hindi subtitles or dubbed sharing telegram channel. AN active channel that sharing at least 2-3 new messages per day about anime movies or Hindi subtitles for them. It shares the latest information about new anime movie releases, top anime movies’ videos like supportive content. Has more than 1,300 subscribers in this awesome active channel. Join the channel to receive the latest anime updates and subtitles.
The Official Dubbers
They share dubbed directly. Not that many subtitles files are providing. Just sharing Hindi budded for English movies and for especially anime movies. What you are getting is a youtube video link for each and every movie or for each tv series episode. Has more than 3,400 subscribers. Join the official dubbers to enjoy it in hindi.
One Punch Man Hindi Sub
It isn’t an active telegram channel anymore, the guy who shares content isn’t logged into his telegram channel for a long time. But, there are dubbed movies on his telegram channel that you can watch. All the contents are about the Japanese anime tv series One Punch Man and its Hindi dubbed. That’s why we included it here. Has more than 400 subscribers. join the channel just to watch it.
Dragon ball super Hindisub
This channel is also about a single anime tv series called Dragon ball super. It was also a trending anime movie at that time. You can watch some episodes with Hindi dubbed and Hindi subtitles through this channel. His channel isn’t active anymore after 2019. But, the contents that he added can be accessed. Has more than 1,200 subscribers. join the channel.
black clover hindi sub
As previously mentioned 2 channels, this channel is also about a single anime movie called “Black Clover”, if you love those anime movies, you can try Black clover from beginning to end through this telegram channel. It is also been inactive for a long time, but you can access all the contents in the channel. Has nearly 500 subscribers. join the black clover channel.
Hindi sub anime
You can get access to many telegram channels that are just about a single anime tv series through each and every message on this channel. We can call it a collection of telegram channels about anime movies Hindi subtitles providing and discussing telegram channels. Generally speaking, you can get access to individual telegram channels about anime movies that were trending before 2019. Because the owner of the channel isn’t active after 2019. If you missed some popular anime those days or you want to enjoy it again with Hindi subtitles or dubbed then this is the right place for you. Until now, it has more than 1,400 subscribers who don’t want to leave. Join the channel to find other channels.
Naruto shippuden Hindi Subbed (Hindi Anime)
This channel is also about a collection of anime movies hindi subtitles providing telegram channels. It was a channel sharing just Naruto Hindi subs. You will be able to access those subtitles files through the channel while enjoying separate channels for the new anime series. It is an active telegram channel until now, updating new movies. Has more than 1,300 subscribers. Join the Hindi anime channels.
Korean drama, chinese drama Hindi subtitles:
Just forget about English movies or tv series. What about Korean drama, Chinese dramas, or movies? You’ll definitely need a subtitles file to watch those movies. Unlike English, you will not identify at least anything without proper learning. So, you have to rely on Hindi subtitles in order to enjoy the movie. Most Korean, Chinese movie lovers start to watch those trending and new dramas whenever they are released. So, you can get the Hindi subtitles file whenever a trending drama is released.
KDramas Hindi
KDramas Hindi channel is all about Korean drama Hindi dubbed and subtitles. You can get access to so many popular Korean dramas through their blog. What you will get is a link to their article on their own blog. Shares latest Korean movie, tv-series details such as posters, trailer videos, cast like stuff also. It’s an active telegram channel that shares at least 2-3 new articles each and every day. Has more than 7,700 subscribers. join the KDrama channel.
Korean Drama In Hindi
A massive and very active telegram channel all about Korean and Chinese dramas. You will get separate telegram community( Groups and Channel ) Links via the main group that just share about the drama all about. So, you will be able to clearly see and get what you want easily. Shares hindi dubbed and subtitles for each episode via separate communities that are mentioned earlier. Has more than 60,000 subscribers. Join the Korean drama In hindi channel.
Korean Drama In Hindi
Names are same but the channel that we mentioned earlier is a channel and this one is a group. You will get more information throughth this group as any one can share content here. Has nearly 500 members in the group. Join the group to receive and share awesome Korean drama related stuff.
Alice in Borderland Hindi Episodes
Another Hindi web series episodes and hindi dubbed sharing telegram channel. This channel is dedicated for the Korean tv series Alice in Borderland. There you will get the Hindi dubbed or the subtitles file for newly releasing episodes while those for previous episodes already released. Has more than 4,300 subscribers. join the channel.
K-Drama Fever
Korean drama Hindi dubbed episodes sharing tlegram group. Some times Chinese movies also getting featured here. But, most of them are Korean dramas. Because it’s a group, anyone in the group can send messages. That means you will get more content than a channel. Has more than 2,000 members. Join the K-Drama Fever group.
KDramas Hindi-urdu
It’s an all-in-one kind dramas sharing telegram channel. WHeather you want hindi dubbed, Hindi subtitles or Urdu dubbed, urdu subtitles this channels suits best for you. As they shares stuff in both languages. Asian dramas, movies including Korean and china are getting featured in the channel. Has more than 7,000 subscribers. join the KDramas Hindi- urdu channel.
Korean Hindi / urdu Dubbed Drama / movies
Another such a channel like the previously mentioned channel. THis channel also shares content for both Hindi and for Urdu also. Korean dramas are the only entertainment stuff getting featured. Shares individual groups for each trending korean drama that is for discuss and share episodes and dubbeds. Has more than 400 members. Join the group.
You can join some of these telegram channels based on the small description we provided. THen head towards the search option and search your favorite drama to get the Hindi subtitles files for the drama. If it has so many ratings and was trending, there is a high chance that you can find subtitles for the drama. Keep in mind that you have to search those drama names on each telegram channel that providing Hindi subtitles for Korean, Chinese movies, THe search function is only affected the opened chat history. That means you can search only inside a channel history.
Usage of Hindi Movie Subtitles telegram channels:
I also tried to find a reliable source to find Hindi subtitles for English movies, English tv-series, and none English movies such as Korean movies, Korean dramas, and Chinese dramas. There are just too few of them available which we can’t a Hindi subtitle for most of the newly released movies. For that reason, you can just join few Hindi movie subtitles providing telegram channels or sharing groups. You can select those channels or groups from the list we provided. With the subscribers or members count and through the group description that we provided, you can examine each and every telegram channel to find perfectly suitable channels for you.
There will be subtitles for the latest English movies and tv-series and also will be some randomly selected older movies. However, the movies that are relating to a trend and a hype will be definitely get featured on at least one of these channels. As I mentioned earlier, you can join multiple groups or channels from this list. Because most of the communities that we mentioned in this article are channels. They might be controlled by a single person. So, if that single person isn’t interested in the movie or tv series that are trending, there is a higher probability not to add that movie’s Hindi subtitles files. I don’t want to tell you that you will probably get subtitles file definitely, because interests among people differ. But, no worries, when you join multiple channels or groups you will have a higher chance of getting the same from at least one community.
There is no hard limitation in a telegram to control how many groups or channels that you can join. The only limitation is it will be hard when joining a large number of channels or groups. You can simply manage it by joining multiple communities and leaving those unwanted channels.