Telegram Malayalam movie channel and group list to get updated and see the latest movies. We already added a list of movie telegram channels, there are more than 46 channel links including Malayalam Movies channels. Check it for more invitation links.

Tamil & Malayalam Movies
This channel shares a lot of movies per day. Malayalam movies, Tamil movies are their favorites. You can have their website link to watch each movie and a simple review to provide you an easy selection method. Such as cast details, movie duration, year, genre, and a simple description provides with every movie. Has nearly 2000 subscribers. join channel.
Malayalam Dubbed Movies
Another awesome telegram group(but only admins can send messages) shares numerous Malayalam movies. Also, especially in Hollywood movies Malayalam dubbed sharing for entertainment. They also provide watching links from a website that they are interested in, you can click on each movie link to see the content. Also, a nice simple review shares with every movie to easily identifying the movie that you would like. The channels are more focused on dubbed movies rather than Malayalam movies. Has nearly 60,000 members. join group.
Malayalam Movies
Shares about the latest Malayalam movie releases. They never upload movie files to the telegram channel as they mentioned in the description. You can get Movie details such as runtime, cast, release date, rating, and a simple review about the movie. Also, the trailer and publically available videos about the movie are also posting with each movie. A great telegram channel for getting the latest movie updates, releases. Has nearly 100,000 subscribers. Join channel.
Max Cinemas
This channel also provides the latest updates, entertainment videos about Malayalam movies, tv-series both. You can watch the latest movie trailers and tv shows trailers and episodes from this telegram channel. They also upload Malayalam movie files in the channel, so you can watch them on telegram. Has more than 12,000 subscribers. join channel.
Entertainment Zone
Telegram channel providing and promoting Malayalam, Tamil, Hindi, etc movie telegram channels and groups. ALready shared awesome telegram groups and channels about Malayalam movies, Tamil movies, and new movie releases channel. Will share more and more channels and groups soon. You can get access to those telegram channels and groups through this channel. Also, you can promote your existing telegram channel or group. Because it has more than 330,000 subscribers. join channel.
Joseph Movie Box
Shares various kinds of movies in this telegram channel. Such as Tamil movies, Hindi Movies, Malayalam movies, Telegu movies and so many other kinds of movies. Outside Indian movies are rare in this channel, as it focuses more on Indian content. From Indian movies, Malayalam movies are sharing more. You can read reviews, casts and watch trailers from this channel. Has nearly 70,000 subscribers. join channel.
DVD Release Updates
Get the latest Malayalam movies, Tamil Movies, Hindi movie updates from this telegram group. All the DVD releases and theater releases to stay up to date with everything about movies. Shares about movie releases(theater, DVD) and movie reviews, trailers about old and new movies. Also, some popular actors’ images, videos, posters, and new movie suggestions can be found in this group. Has more than 5,000 members. join group.
Malayalam movies Chat
A group dedicated for movie lovers to chat about movies. Unlike other channels, this group shares movie updates, reviews, trailers, teasers, and much more. Also, you can start discussions about anything you want(Should be related to movies) Just has about 380 members. Still larger than Whatsapp groups. join group.
old malayalam movies telegram channel
A list of old Malayalam movies telegram channel. Here, you can find awesome telegram channels for movies and their music with visuals for entertainment. We listed the best possible telegram channels in order to provide you a better experience.
Malayalam Old Movies
If you love those old (the 80s, 90s ) movies, you should definitely join this Malayalam old movies telegram group. You can wake up your old memories through this group and discuss them with other members. This telegram community shares awesome old movies for entertainment. Most of those movies can be watched through the group as most of them currently are out of copyrights. If you forgot the name of some movies that you watched earlier, this group is for you. Because people nowadays don’t usually watch those movies making it is impossible to ask about those movies. But, in this specific group, all the members are interested in it. Making it so easy to find movies that you forgot. Has nearly 8000 members. join group.
CB Old Malayalam Movies
Another Malayalam old movies telegram channel. This channel also provides old movies, their reviews, songs and so many related stuff for each movie. Like, cast current photos, videos, ceremonies events like so many rich details. Shares each group chat link for each popular movie. From those links, you can find persons that like the movie as much as you. Has more than 40,000 subscribers. join channel.
New Malayalam Film Songs
A much popular telegram channel and a channel that everyone wants. This awesome telegram channel shares Malayalam old movies songs and visuals. You can enjoy the music that you miss. You may never be able to find that music anywhere else, but you can find them here as it covers most of the Malayalam old movies. They provide an mp3 version for playlist listeners and music with the original Videos for those who like so. You will get what you need from this channel. Also, you can request missing movies, music. So, they will provide it for you. Has more than 70,000 subscribers. join channel.
More Malayalam movies Telegram channel invitation links
Movie with Malayalam Subtitles | join channel |
New Malayalam Film Songs | join channel |
Lensmen Review Centre | join channel |
Malayalam Movies | join group |
Malayalam Music | join group |
dvd moviez | join channel |
CB Old Malayalam Movies | join channel |
Malayalam Movies Poster | join channel |
DVD release Updates | join channel |
mobile mmg | join channel |
YIFY Movies | join channel |
Malayalam cinema hub | join channel |
About Malayalam Movies Telegram channels:
It’s now prohibited to share movie files without permission from the movie copyright holder. Telegram will block those telegram channels if a copyright holder files a complaint. So, now channel admins stay away from sharing media files that they don’t have any rights to. But, some telegram channel owners share direct movie files that they have permission. After about 1-2 years it’s easy to take permission from movie copyright holders. If you have any issue without the listed telegram channel, submit a channel remove request.
We provided old Malayalam movies telegram channels list and Malayalam movies telegram channels and groups list. You can find awesome movies, trailers, teasers, and movie-related stuff. Also, Malayalam movies songs posting telegram channels and groups. Here you can find missing songs from your favorite movie to wake up your memories. Some of those songs contain visuals and some don’t.
We provided some channels that are for the latest movie alerts. Theater movie releases and DVD movie releases notifying telegram channels. So, you can watch immediately your awaited movies in the way you prefer(theater and DVD). After getting the notification, you just have to visit a local DVD store or theater to watch your awaited favorite movie.