Vietnam telegram group/channels invitation links list in various categories. All of the listed channels/ groups are either based in Vietnam or have a Vietnam major subscriber base. The list is created mostly aiming at channels for music, movies, jobs, and games. That you can find movie promotional videos, music videos by Vietnam artists, or popular worldwide artists and collaborate with other players in gaming. Let’s take a look at the telegram channels list.
Reef Community VietNam | join Reef Community VietNam |
Bytom Vietnam Community | join Bytom Vietnam Community |
Contentos Vietnam Community | join Contentos Vietnam Community |
Stably Vietnam Community | join Stably Vietnam Community |
Vietnam Emerging Tech Forum | join Vietnam Emerging Tech Forum |
GCFP Vietnam | join GCFP Vietnam |
NEAR Protocol | join NEAR Protocol |
VietNam Education | join VietNam Education |
Vietnam Telegram Groups with description
The above table contains just a list of telegram channels. The below section has a list of telegram channels with more than 300 subscribers and a small description of the channel. So, can read the description and join the group without opening all of the links for selecting the suitable channel.
Awsome nightlife telegram group that organizes night meetups. Has more than 2.7k members and it’s an extremely active group. members share foods related posts, videos. Beautiful traveling, meetup places, and their facilities, foods, services, and many more things. Anyone can join their meetups at night and enjoy drinks, food, and many more. Join VN Nightlife.
This channel has more than 10k members and most of them are active. You can directly ask any question regarding the Huobi platform or about cryptocurrencies. Active members will help you to solve the issue. It’s all about investing and you’ll see tweets from famous investors and members’ ideas on how the market will go. Although it claims as to the official telegram group for Huobi in Vietnam. Join Huobi global.
Vietnam Hot girls
It’s all about Vietnamese dating. This channel has more than 129k subscribers and shares mostly pictures. Although you can’t send messages to the group, but you can vote, comment on the channel to know more details about the listing. Join Vietnam hot girls.
Vietnam Blockchain VBS
It’s a cryptocurrency telegram group with more than 7k members. Has an active member base and shares knowledge often. Already shared many educational blog posts, youtube videos, courses, and many more study materials. Also, share news-related tweets and shares their thoughts about some cryptocurrencies. Join Vietnam Blockchanin VBS.
Vietnam Coin Market Community
This is also and telegram group with more than 30k members. Mostly share ideas about some coins movement. Provides Predictions and the reason for that prediction. newbies can get an idea about the ongoing situations through their reasonings. anyone can ask any question regarding cryptocurrency and members will help to solve any problem. Also, can ask for market prediction as there are many people and can get more knowledge about it. Join Coin market community.
DevOps jobs vietnam
Found a none cryptocurrency-related Vietnam channel for the first time. Hah. This channel has more than 500 subscribers. Although it’s a channel, not a group, the only one that can send messages is admin. The shares job listing with proper guidance. Responsibilities, Requirements like everything is described for easy. But, it’s for DevOps jobs simply saying software development-like jobs. Join DevOps jobs.
Mekelle Fashion
The private channel has more than 5k subscribers. Promoting their products. mainly sneakers from various types and sizes. And also promotes backpacks and clothing-related products. They do delivery and online ordering with cash on delivery. You can get more details by contacting the admins or sales support. Join Mekelle Fashion.
Fashion tera
Another sneakers-related telegram channel in Vietnam. Channel has more than 100k subscribers. They promote their products via this telegram channel. Individual buyers and wholesale buyers can request more info and buy them. Head towards the media tab to see their products gallery instantly and easily. Join fashion tera for more information.
More about Vietnam channels:
There are so many cryptocurrency-related telegram channels in Vietnam. Although there are many private(self-promoting) channels, we only included several popular channels just to complete the list. It’s better to be polite and to learn from A-Z before stepping into investing. We added an article for Vietnam cryptocurrency on our website. Check it out if you are serious about it.
We also listed some business telegram channels also. Make sure to check for reviews, and trustability before sending money or products online. Just search for the channel name to see their reviews. Always try to use cash on delivery services.
Although the channels are less diversified, we will add more channel invitation links whenever they are available. If you are a part of such a not mentioned telegram channel or group, comment down below the invitation link.