Top Ukraine telegram group links list to join the surrounding community. Join Ukrainian mobile gaming, movie, music telegram groups to play online together and to make a new friends. Also to reach the Ukrainian audience and see new business opportunities and more.
DJFM Ukraine | join DJFM Ukraine |
LX IT | join LX IT |
Marie Claire Ukraine | join Marie Claire Ukraine |
Helen Doron Ukraine | join Helen Doron Ukraine |
Vanilla Ukraine | join Vanilla Ukraine |
Zentropa Ukraine | join Zentropa Ukraine |
Symbol Ukraine | join Symbol Ukraine |
Comic Con Ukraine | join Comic Con Ukraine |
Mary Kay Ukraine | join Mary Kay Ukraine |
Ukrainian Nationalist | Join Ukrainian Nationalist |
AllStars-IT Ukraine | join AllStars-IT Ukraine |
Tezos Ukraine | join Tezos Ukraine |
Goethe-Institut Ukraine | join Goethe-Institut Ukraine |
Sapar in sour cream | join Sapar in sour cream |
One Your Fascist Friend | join One Your Fascist Friend |
Пропала Грамота | join Пропала Грамота |
Ювента | join Ювента |
Below are the top Ukrainian telegram channels that we could find with the highest members count. We provided a small description of it and the subscribers/members count.
Lobby X Ukraine
Local job vacancies posting telegram channel. Provides all the information that needed with the job title. such as requirements, responsibilities, locations, working conditions like every stuff you need to know about job vacancies are posting here. They currently have more than 10,000 subscribers in their channel. Join for more info.
Binance Ukrainian
Ukrainian official Binance group for investing support and coin suggestions. Also, promoting p2p transactions within the Binance platform. Has more than 17,000 Ukrainian members in this group. GIves price predictions, conclusions, roadmaps, and news related to coins. Also, promotes new coins(projects). Join Binance Ukraine.
Discover Ukraine
Shares photographs edit about Ukrainian historical, beautiful, travelling places. Actually, they share a small description of each place when posting a photograph. Currently has more than 7500 subscribers in their channel. Join DIscover Ukraine for more details.
Coronavirus info
Ukrainian corona virus-related telegram channel with more than 600,000 subscribers. Post daily updates of the situation by updating each day’s statistics. infectious found towns, districts like many rich pieces of information. Verified telegram channel with the health department. It’s easy to get covid info by using telegram, pin the channel to stay top of your chat list. Join the Covid info channel.
Xiaomi Ukraine
Telegram channel of Xiaomi users in Ukraine to promote new mobile phones, accessories, and other stuff. Has more than 30,000 subscribers in the channel. Although it’s not an official telegram channel by Xiaomi. Join Xiaomi Ukraine.
TUI Ukraine
Shares offer and discounts by popular destinations across Ukraine. Also, promotes packages from Dubai, UAE, and many other countries. Has more than 6500 subscribers in the channel and if you are a business owner, can promote your destination through the channel. Join Tui Ukraine.
BBC news ukrainian
No need for a description for this channel, has more than 28,000 subscribers. All the messages and contents are in Ukrainian. Posts about 2-4 messages(articles) per day. Links to BBC Ukrainian articles only. Join group.
Export Ukraine Agricultural
Agricultural products(wholesale) selling telegram channel that promotes local yields. Can buy via contacting the channel admin. Also can promote your own wholesale agricultural products via the admin of the channel. Currently has more than 3,800 subscribers in this channel. Join Group.
Ukrainian Military Honour
It’s all about the Ukrainian military. Current military aircraft, tanks, missiles, etc are posting here. Also, historical military technologies and wars also posting balanced. Has more than 8,700 subscribers in this channel. join channel.
Intollaraten Historian
Ukrainian military memes telegram channel with more than 5000 subscribers. There are also historical military data also posting. So many people like them and have an amazing audience around this channel. Join Intollaraten Historian.
Sharing short videos about 1 minute. Almost shares Ukrainian language content here. Has more than 1,300 subscribers in the channel. Join УБД.
Податки інкогніто
Another meme channel that is more focused on political news. They shares their response as a meme joke to the public. Finding the best possible related joke for each situation. Has more than 5000 subscribers in this meme channel. Join Податки інкогніто.
Залізний виборець
A Ukrainian political channel all about politics. Sharing own thoughts on situations and statements by politicians. Has more than 5000 subscribers on this channel. They also welcome paid political promotion within the channel to reach those 5100 Ukrainians. Join Залізний виборець.
A mix of everything. This channel posts everything possible in this channel. Almost memes, politics, social issues, and many other kinds of stuff are posting here. Actually not dedicated for a single one. Join mixed Медвежатко.
Чистий потік
Another meme channel. Always posts memes in image and video content. Posts so often that 8-12 posts per day. Has an audience that also falls in love with memes of about 6000. Seems like they enjoy the channel so much as their every post has an amazing view count. Join Чистий потік.
Основа майбутнього
Supporting and donating telegram channel that aims to make Ukrainian national elite. Has more than 5.05k subscribers in the channel. Shares their opinion about some social and national issues in the country and neighborhoods countries. Join Основа майбутнього.
JYSK Ukraine
An interior and exterior decorating telegram channel that posts photographs of their works. Although not only for purchasing anything from them, but also foresee new trends and ideas to follow. AS it’s a Ukrainian channel, you’ll find an interior design that matches your own culture and social designs. Useful tips and tricks to make some small changes to look amazing. has more than 6000 subscribers in this channel. Join JYSK Ukraine.
Make it in Ukraine
A channel that posting local jobs in a wide variety of categories. This posts job positions of so many fields and for many kinds of educational levels. Also, abroad job offers are posting for those who looking for work abroad. Also, can promote your own job vacancies to those 4000 participants via contacting the channel admin. join make it in Ukraine.
Available IT candidates
A little bit different channel than other kinds of job posting channels. AS this channel posts about available it field remoter workers details. Those who want to hire can find a professional candidate rather than posting job vacancies. There is a small description of each candidate and their abilities. There are so many candidates on this channel. You will find at least 2-3 candidates for each position. all of them are willing to work remotely and might be happy to work in the office. If you are a job seeker with it related skill such as coding, AWS, google cloud platform, or even graphic designing can contact the channel admin to post a message. Join Available IT candidates.
A telegram group about Ukranian global scholarships. Has more than 1100 subscribers in the group and. anyone can ask questions about scholarships and the community will help you to solve the issue and provide enough details to clear the issue. They are very helpful and always would like to help each other with scholarships. if you offer some scholarships, can send direct offers in the group through the admin. join UGS Q&A.
Devops Jobs
Yeah, you are right. it’s all about DevOps jobs in Ukraine. Posts full description including responsibilities, needed skills, and requirements for each job opening to provide detailed job position. Has more than 6000 subscribers in the channel. Join DevOps jobs.
Telegram Ukraine
It’s a telegram channel all about the telegram. If you are an owner of a telegram channel or a group or more interested in knowing more about telegram must join this group. As there are many hidden features and options in the telegram itself. You will learn most of these from this channel. So, make sure to join.
W8 Shipping Ukraine
Posts about importing cars from countries like UK, USA, and Canada. Posts about the vehicle information and participants can bid on the vehicle. Also, provides details about the vehicle itself and importing fees and values. join W8 Shipping Ukraine.
Oriflame Ukraine
Promotes Oriflame products in this channel. If you don’t know what Oriflame is, Oriflame is a network marketing beauty products. THat you can join them and earn a small commission by selling items to your friends. Has nearly 5000 subscribers in the channel. Posts so often that 2-3 posts per day. Join Oriflame Ukraine.
Ukraine Telegram channels:
There are so many amazing Ukraine telegram groups and channels. We could find many channels and groups because someone has sent us links. Thanks for him and if you are a participant or an admin of such groups or channels, Make sure to send the invitation links. This list might be the longest on our website with featuring more than 30 group links. However, there are many political and meme channels out there. We will find and update this list to give you access to those popular and awesome groups.
Although we couldn’t find many crypto-related channels and groups in Ukraine. But, we will try hard to find as many channels soon as to provide you the ones everyone searches for. However, there are many channels that are related in many other fields such as agriculture, job openings, memes, political and social issues.
As this article(list) about Ukrainian telegram groups and channels, there are also lists for other countries’ groups. To read and join those telegram groups, See our available countries specified telegram groups here.