Here you can find the best active Hindi status telegram group link list to get and share the latest trending Hindi Whatsapp videos, images… Most of us tend to share status videos daily. But, always it’s hard to download and share those awesome videos and images from those top sources(Youtube, Google, Dailymotion, Facebook). Because most of those top social media platforms don’t offer download facilities. Here, you can find those videos with the rights of their own creators to share them anywhere you like.
Hindi full-screen WhatsApp status telegram channels
It’s much better when sharing horizontal videos rather than vertical videos in WhatsApp statuses. Because it can easily get the focus of the video than a verticle video(landscape). It will remove those top and bottom black spaces and fit the video perfectly into the viewer’s screen making it clear. The following telegram channels are dedicated to Hindi full-screen( mobile ) Whatsapp status sharing. You can easily download content from the telegram to directly post in the WhatsApp status.
Hindi Whatsapp videos status
Another highly active and high-quality videos sharing telegram channel. They also uploading portrait videos about love, romance, couples, and Indian cinema. Rarely uploads motivational videos also. Has a video library of nearly 2,000 videos. Posts 1-2 new videos every day. Has nearly 50,000 subscribers. join the channel.
One of the most popular Whatsapp status videos sharing telegram channel. You can get at least 3-9 status videos every day. Has a library with nearly 2,000 status videos. Can find videos about cricket, social incidents, romantic videos, and movie scenes. Most of the videos are about 30 seconds or less. Has more than 170,000 subscribers. join the channel.
Love Hindi status video
Portrait videos sharing telegram channel dedicated for love Hindi status. You will be able to get awesome lovely, romantic, and couple-related music videos, motion picture videos, movie scenes, and other kinds of videos from this channel. If you are in a relationship, you should probably join this channel as they post awesome positive stuff. Shares videos often at least 1-3 videos per day. Has more than 3,700 subscribers. Join the channel.
Daily Motivation & Facts
Motivational and quick facts videos sharing telegram channel. Most of the videos are in the Hindi language. Shares interesting videos with high-quality voices. Videos are square in size and they will fit your status perfectly. Facts videos are also in Hindi with awesome slow-motion relevant background images or videos. Has nearly 1000 members. Join the group.
4K Hindi status Telegram Channel

Not everyone wants such high-quality videos and not everyone provides such videos. Most of our status videos look ugly after uploading the video. Because, WhatsApp compresses those videos, but we can lower the effect by uploading high-quality videos. But, I should mention that not all of the videos that are providing by those channels are in 4K video quality. Some of them are such quality while others having a decent quality on them. Here, from these telegram channels, you can download high-quality 4k Hindi status videos. Let’s check those channel’s invitation links.
4k Whatsapp Status Hindi
High-quality 4k portrait WhatsApp status videos sharing telegram channel. Most of them are related to lovely videos, slow music backgrounded picture videos, and religious videos. Already uploaded more than 1,000 high-quality videos that you can watch and download from the media tab of the channel after joining. Has more than 2,000 subscribers. join the channel.
4K HD Hindi Full
Hindi motivational quotes, break-up quotes, and status videos sharing telegram group. You can get awesome status videos about quotes, love, break up from this group. Shares their favorite such status videos(about 30 seconds or lower) in the group. Has more than 4500 members in the group. Rules are tight that you only can share videos and photos with quotes. Join the group.
Movie scenes, motivational videos of some influencers, and many other kinds of videos sharing telegram channels. Shares mostly landscape videos over portrait videos. But, in high quality. Not all videos are 4k, but most of them are in 4k video quality. Has more than 50,000 subscribers. Has a library with nearly 1000 videos. Videos are usually lower than 30 seconds. join the channel.
VaHa Status
An active daily high-quality videos uploading telegram channel. You will get at least 3 new videos every day. Most of the videos are in portrait mode. Uploads a wide variety of videos from satisfying videos to lovely videos. Has a library of more than 800 high-quality videos. Has more than 107,000 subscribers. join the channel.
What to expect from status channels
Here is the full list of Hindi status telegram groups and channel invitation links. You can get a wide variety of video status and image status that most of you looking for. Including music status videos, music covers status videos, and funny status videos. Most of the videos can be download directly from the telegram, app while others can’t. Most of them are photo motion lyrics videos with slow background music. Age between 18-30 loves such videos so much to calm down their busy life.
You can find heartbreaking, sad kind status videos also. We provided such telegram sources that post such videos that fit Whatsapp status perfectly. And also many other types of categorized telegram channels that provide Hindi status. We included attitude telegram channels, for those who want attitude videos to update status. People with attitude watches and shares such videos daily to make their day perfect and effective to achieve more progress than the day before. You can find perfect videos to fit your style when there’s a large number of sources. Here, you can find those interesting videos from the different kinds of attitude video providers on the telegram.
Also, it’s a better opportunity for individual artists to create status videos in their marketing plan to reach more people organically. Most of the artists use those techniques to reach the audience who loves those kinds of works. Some of the artist and music studios use such techniques to achieve some good results. To promote your music video, attitude, motivational videos, you can contact each type of telegram channel owner.
Check our Tamil status videos telegram channels and groups list. There, you will be able to find more than 30 best active Tamil status telegram channels to join. You will be able to see various kinds of status video-sharing channels there.